I will be voting for Donald J. Trump. I will be voting for him because I am against big government, regulation and increased taxes. Washington has been the same for many years, and we need to get rid of this bureaucracy.
We need someone who is not in politics. Hillary Clinton has been in politics for over 30 years, and what has she honestly done? Her economic plan is going to give us four more years of Obama and will lead to more taxation and more regulation, which will hurt our economy. Her presidency will lead to more spending and more debt. Bottom line, I just don’t think you can trust her. Look at all of the scandals she has had throughout the years, from Benghazi to the deleted emails. There is no way I would want to put my freedom into her hands.
I don’t think we need a physical wall, but I do think we need stricter laws on immigration. If I want to live in another country, I can’t just go to that country and expect to be allowed to just stay there. I should have to go through the process the legal way, and I do not see what is wrong with wanting immigrants to do that.
Under Trump, I think we would spend less money and have a balanced budget. I believe our gross domestic product (GDP) would grow at a better rate. Some of the things Trump has said have come off as idiotic and stupid; however, I think his antics are mostly to get attention from the media. Trump would surround himself with the best experts possible and make this country powerful.
Even though Hillary Clinton has been in politics for years, she has not done anything to truly help the American people. She always complains about Trump using loopholes to get out of paying taxes but, as a political leader, has done nothing to try and stop him from doing that. Why would she when all of her Wall Street backers use them, too?
Donald Trump is what the American people need. Unlike Clinton, he is not a seasoned politician and has not been bought. I am more concerned with Hillary Clinton’s judgment as Secretary of State than what Donald Trump has idiotically said in the past 10-plus years. Actions speak louder than words. Donald Trump will fight for us and make our country great once again.