By Mariah Allison
Bellarmine celebrated Latinx and Hispanic Heritage month from September 15 to October 15. Co-sponsored by the Latinx and Hispanic Student Union and Office of Identity and Inclusion, events that pertained to the Latinx and Hispanic culture were held throughout the month.
Different events to celebrate the month, including Coffee with the Pros, Latinx Dance Night, and the Study Hall sessions, showcased Latinx and Hispanic music, traditions, and treats.
Coffee with the Pros, held on September 16, was an in-person and virtual event with Bellarmine Latinx alumni. Alumni included individuals in various fields, including human resources, labor relations and health services. They spoke about how they got to the position and noted any advantages or disadvantages with being Latinx.
Ana Mort, secretary of the Latinx and Hispanic Union, said, “It was nice to see new and old people in the community get together and be themselves. I wish Bellarmine put more events that focused on celebrating our heritage.”
The Latinx Dance Night occurred September 25 in the Quad. Students danced to Reggaetón music and connected over Hispanic food and snacks, including empanadas and churros.
“It’s just a fun time. We learn more about ourselves in these meetings because we get to talk about our experiences,” Madsyon Lira said. Lira is the public relations director for Latinx and Hispanic Union.
Two study hall sessions occurred on September 24 and October 8 where students came to learn more about the history of their heritage and what it means to be Latinx. Mexican bread and hot chocolate were provided to make students feel more at home.
“We wanted people to come and know they have a place for them,” Areli Nogales, Vice President of the Latinx and Hispanic Union, said.
A serious topic that students discussed during the last study session was the meaning of the term Latinx and why it is a proper replacement for the term Latino. Latinx is a new age term that is inclusive of all identities.
“We feel like if there is somebody who comes to us and says, ‘This is what I want to be called’ I don’t think it’s up to us to determine what we should call them,” Nogales said. “There’s so many identities. There’s not just one bubble.”
The Latinx and Hispanic Union plans to have more events after this month. They want to keep educating people on the history of the heritage, specifically the Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos, as Halloween approaches.
“We are doing a Day of the Dead event everyday [and] putting information out on our Instagram about the celebration,” Nogales said.

Día de los Muertos ofrenda in OII, photo courtesy of BLHU President Alejandra Ofrenda.
Follow BLHU Instagram page @bulatinxhispanicunion for updates on these events.
The club will continue to educate the community, including those do not identify as Latinx or Hispanic. Nogales said educating the community and others about the heritage is never over.
“You don’t have to be a member of Latin origin to be a member of BLHU, you just have to be willing to stand up for the issues,” OII and BLHU Advisor Emily Dixxon said.